Character is Fate

From Heraclitus (Greek philosopher) and popular through the Stoics:

Heraclitus Quote: “A man's character is his fate.” (12 wallpapers ...

First off, this quote was brought to my attention from one of the emails I receive each day from the daily stoic. The link to where you can subscribe to recieve their emails (one a day, totally free and no advertisement messages):

Daily Stoic

*The emails are usually shorter and contain a lot of knowledge*

I came across the Stoic philosophy within the last year and really enjoy learning about their ideas and lessons. There are certainly some similarities with Buddhism. A quick google search will tell you more, but one thing that sticks with me is their idea that a happy and healthy life requires the cultivation of  an excellent mental state, which comes through virtue and rationalism. One should recognize that our time here is limited and we should actively try to make use of it.

The Stoics were certainly ahead of their time. 

I am not offering a blanket endorsement, of course, but I think everyone could benefit from learning about other philosophies and ideas different from their own beliefs. Anyone can find nuggets of wisdom from the Stoics that they can use in their own lives.

The fundamentals of Stoicism. - Meme on Imgur

Back to the quote…


“Character is Fate”

To me, this concept is very similar to karma.

If one reaches wealth and success through ambition and persistence but acted primarily through greed and corruption, something comes back to bite. Even if they are incredibly wealthy and successful their entire lives, inside they may be full of regret and living with an internal hell.

Good character goes a long way and arguably makes up the core of a person. I realize that people I admire have really strong character.

Our actions matter and accumulate.




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