Turning 26 Years Old- Gotta Run the Big One (The Marathon)

Tomorrow I turn 26. Holy potatoes.

20 Facts That Will Make You Feel Like Decades Passed While You Weren't  Looking

Actually, I am not surprised. Time never stops rolling along. The Buddha (and many others) have pointed out that we all get old and we all pass away at some point. Life is impermanent, at least from our understanding. What we do with our limited time is what matters.

Many older people seem to remark how quickly their lives went by when they look back.

In the grand scheme of things, 26 is not that old to many, but to others it may be.

I was thinking of making a list of goals to set for my next year of life as a 26 year old, but I will take some time to think about those off of here. One thing I have decided I want to try: RUN A MARATHON.

Pin by Morgan Anderson on MEME | Funny picture quotes, Funny dude, Old  school movies

The math makes sense, right? 26 years old= 26.2 miles

I ran in college and still run competitively at the local race scene (trying to make myself sound good here), but I have never run further than a half-marathon in one go.

This is a task I do not plan to take lightly. I refuse to go out there not having trained and prepared myself to try to run well (hopefully around sub 3 hours but we’ll see how training goes).

So, as I somewhat naively sit here optimistic and excited, I’m pumped for the challenge. And this is a very, very big challenge. I do not know when or where, but not until at least the Fall. I could use the later summer months to get in some heavier distance training.

Let’s go get it. I appreciate any well-wishes and positive vibes.

The Balance of Being Present and Having Long-Term Goals

Sometimes on a run I feel horrible and the thought of finishing and ultimately improving keeps me going. I may not feel great, but I know I can get to the end and will be happy I did. Other times I feel totally absorbed and pleasent while running; I am in the moment.

The former offers an example of how long-term goals keep us going, even when the present feels unpleasant. The latter shows the power of presence.

The two kind of go hand-in-hand most of the time. When we think about it, we are often thinking of what comes next. Our futuristic outlook certainly helps in many situations, such as offering hope, but can also hold us back in various ways, such as creating anxiety or other unhelpful mind states.

Do you work in the past, present or future? :: InnerStrength Communication  Inc.

I continue to try to meditate and further my mindfulness practice. The busyness of life (my typical excuse) keeps me from truly engaging in the practice as much as I would like.

I think our current society functions most of the time in ways that keep us out of the present and longing for more. We often want more of something pleasant or less of something unpleasent. The Buddha would say this constant craving is the root of our suffering.

I really like this short video of Sam Harris talking about the power of being truly present.

To not think of the future would be foolish. However, the present moment is all we really have. Harris’s point about waiting for something life-changing before shifting our perspective is astute. The classis example is imagining that you get a terminal cancer diagnosis tomorrow and considering how this would change your approach to life. Obviously, most people would try to make the most of their remaining time.

There are no easy answers here because we can’t live as though we do not have responsibilities, but I think this supports the point that we need to find things that we love to do and fully pursue them.

When doing something I love, I am much more likely to be present. But ultimately, I would love to reach a point where I am more present and not distracted by thoughts even when I am doing things that are unpleasant or uncomfortable.

I ultimately want to get better and better at being present and realizing inner peace and interconnectedness. I want to become a competent counselor and coach. I want strong relationships with family and friends. The work and journey continues.

Visible GOALS List

Veronica and I visited Grant up in Maine a couple of months ago around my birthday. While there, we all wrote down our goals and shared them with one another. They may have lost their own sheet or they could be checking the goals every day, but I actually keep mine on top of my car dashboard. I put it there for the drive home from Maine and the goals sheet has been there since.

Why keep them there? Accountability. And I like some of the goals a lot.

Why share this with you all? Accountability. There is research showing that posting your goals increases your chances of remembering and working towards them because you feel increased responsibility.

I drive basically every day, so I often get to do a little goals check. Some of these are finite, while others could go on until the end of my days. I definitely plan to revise the list at some point because life changes, but I like them for now. I split them into four little categories and here they are…


  • Propose to Veronica before September (CHECK!)
  • Relax and enjoy with family
  • Make time to see Prep, UC, and hometown friends


  • Meditate at least once a day
  • One day off a week from exercise (not great at this one so far, but that’s fine)
  • Eat a salad once daily (love your greens)
  • Laugh often, sleep often
  • Reflect in journal once daily


  • Achieve a 3.9 or higher for entire graduate program
  • Secure a school counseling position by next June
  • Print and prepare ASCA documents for office
  • Competent and helpful


  • Easy runs by feel and focused on easy
  • Roll out and stretch once a day (still working on it)
  • Run another sub-5 mile before 2020
  • Run a road 5k PR before 2020


On the back of my sheet I have written:

“Only the disciplined ones in life are free. If you are undisciplined, you are a slave to your moods and your passions.”

-Eliud Kipchoge, World Record Holder Marathon


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Thanks for reading about me. I hope you identify some goals that mean a lot to you!